Celebrating the Photographer Ansel Adams

Today is the birthday of American photographer, Ansel Adams. I know we've all seen his images, heard about his commitment to conservation... and photographers certainly know about the Zone System he championed. So today, on his birthday, let's celebrate his art, as well as the contributions he made to the art of photography.

I've always been intrigued by Adams's technical abilities with photographs. When I was in college, I even "pitched" the idea of receiving college credit to attend his workshop one summer. My instructor agreed to the college credit IF I wrote a proposal and a paper after the workshop. Her agreement encouraged me to work on a plan to make it happen. My next step was parental approval so I devised a proposal to travel to California via train, and my parents agreed. Hot diggity dawg! I was going to apply to study with Ansel Adams, albeit a short amount of time, but it was time with Ansel Adams. I was sure he would teach me the secret of great photography. Unfortunately, Mr. Adams passed before I got my plan off the ground so I was never his student - in person.

After a long absence from photography, I now find myself embracing digital photography which in many ways is like re-learning photography. Don't get me wrong. Digital photography has a lot of benefits, but, if I'm truthful, there is a part of me that misses film photography too. I have a collection of Ansel Adams books and I am still learning from him. His methods still hold teachable moment even though the medium has changed. I would like to think he would have enjoyed all the new developments in this medium we call photography.

Happy birthday! This Zone System is for you Mr. Adams.